
Birthday Girl

Our Baby Macy turned one! We celebrated the occasion by going out to dinner with my parents, Matt, Wendy, and cousin P. Here she is delighted with her present from Grandma Sherry and Grandpa Phil.
Since Macy's one true love in life are Cheerios, I decided to make her a Cheerios cake. Do I know my girl or what? She payed no attention to the frosting and went right for the precious circles in the center of the heart.


skt said...

Ah that's hilarious. I love that last photo of you all where she's just cracking up. What a cutie. And your hair looks great KK!

Heather said...

What a cool cake! Want to make Bailey's for me? ;)

TheGefrom5 said...

You are so talented!! What fun, Happy Birthday! :D And Your mom just told me news about you guys that made my day!! Yeah!!! I can't wait! We definitely will have to get together more. :D gefrom@sbcglobal.net

Kasey said...

that is awesome! I love the cake that is hilarious she went for the the cheerios! I bet it made you a tiny bit proud didn't it! Glad your in our ward for a while hope we can find you a house so you stay too!